Dr. J. Mercola: Gravide kvinner skal ikke ta en Covid-vaksine

Fra Global Research.
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"By injecting pregnant women with novel COVID-19 mRNA gene technologies, the medical establishment has thrown away one of the most fundamental safety edicts of medicine, which is that you do not experiment on pregnant women.

None of the COVID-19 vaccines on the market are licensed. They’ve only received emergency use authorization, as basic efficacy and safety studies are still ongoing. Yet pregnant women are urged to get vaccinated, and are lining up to get the shot — probably while at the same time being careful about avoiding second-hand smoke, alcohol and drugs with known or suspected toxicity.

In my view, giving these vaccines to pregnant women is beyond reprehensible. This experimentation is doubly unforgivable seeing how women of childbearing age have virtually no risk of dying from COVID-19, their fatality risk being a mere 0.01%.

Contrast this dramatic downside to the potential benefits of the vaccine. You can still contract the virus if immunized and you can still spread it to others.2 All it is designed to do is lessen your symptoms if or when you get infected. Pregnant women simply do not need this vaccine, and therefore any risk is likely excessive.

It seems like the choice is obvious, unless you are an unethical pharmaceutical company that has been previously convicted of criminal felonies that resulted in billions of dollars in judgments and is seeking to create tens of billions of dollars of revenue.

Abnormal Periods and Miscarriage Reported

As reported by The Defender,3 as of April 1, 2021, VAERS had received 56,869 adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, including 7,971 serious injuries and 2,342 deaths. Of those deaths, 28% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination. The youngest person to die was just 18 years old.

There were also 110 reports of miscarriage or premature birth among pregnant women. In all, 379 pregnant women reported some sort of adverse event. In the U.K., the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card reporting site that collects COVID-19 vaccine side effects had, as of March 28, 2021, 40 miscarriages listed for Pfizer’s vaccine4 and 15 for AstraZeneca’s".

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