MSM skremselspropagandaen tar helt av: "Vi er nå i en helt ny pandemi"

Fra Global Research.
Les hele artikkelen her.

"In some areas of the world, including Florida, where I live, life has been fairly normal for almost a full year. Restaurants opened last April, and people have flocked here from out of state and even from other countries to enjoy the fresh air and open businesses. This clearly does not benefit the globalists’ agenda, so, right on cue, fearmongering is ramping up another notch. The latest fear du jour is a “double-mutation” of SARS-CoV-2, said to target younger people.

April 5, 2021, the New York Post1 reported the “double mutant” COVID-19 strain has been detected in California — a state that has experienced some of the longest and most restrictive pandemic measures in the U.S. At the time of that report, one case of the variant had been confirmed by a Stanford laboratory. Seven suspected cases were still being screened.

Fear Du Jour: Vaccine-Evading Variants:
The double-mutation virus allegedly has two mutations previously found in two separate variants, which “help it latch onto cells,” the New York Post writes.2 What they want you to fear now is that this new variant may be more resistant to vaccine antibodies. Younger people might also be more susceptible to it.

According to the Observer,4 “COVID-19 variants could beat vaccines within a year if pharma policy doesn’t change.” In other words, they claim that unless sufficiently high numbers of the global population are vaccinated within nine to 12 months, the virus might mutate to evade first-generation vaccines, rendering them useless.

Oklahoma has also confirmed the presence of variants — one that initially emerged in the U.K., and another that emerged in Brazil. According to The Oklahoman,5 “The faster people can get vaccinated, the slower the virus will spread and fewer people will be exposed to variant strains of the virus, said Dr. Dale Bratzler, the University of Oklahoma’s chief COVID officer.”

In other words, they’re putting everyone’s feet to the fire. Hurry, hurry. Get the vaccine now. If you wait, it’s going to be your fault that the vaccine fails and everyone dies. CNN6 also warns that, unless Americans “double down on safety measures until more people are vaccinated,” more contagious variants will spread like wildfire. According to CNN, the variant known as B.1.1.7 “is changing the pandemic’s playbook and could spell trouble for younger groups that haven’t yet been vaccinated"".

Vestlig presse og medias oppgave er ikke å informere befolkningene med en balansert nyhetsformidling, MSMs oppgave er å kontrollere og styre befolkningene. Så eies MSM av de samme som eier Big Pharma, den globale storkapitalen som står bak. Det kan ikke finnes en eneste journalist igjen som dekker nasjonal og internasjonal politikk og økonomi som driver journalistikk.

MSM er helt sentral i den enorme forbrytelsen som den konstruerte koronakrisen er, den er først og fremst en ord-konstruksjon, for statistikken viser at pandemien ikke er stort verre enn et sesong-influensavirus. forstår MSM-journalistene at koronakrisen de har vært med å konstruere, tar og vil ta mange millioner liv?


MSM skremselspropaganda + sosiale mediers sensur og advarsel merking med links til propaganda + politikere som kommer med ad hoc avgjørelser lest opp annenhver dag…
Pluss shaming av dissidenter, ydmykende tiltak der folk må ikke seg masker og blir behandlet som barn. Pluss politi som bøtelegger folk som samles i evne hjem…

Ikke noe i dette som tyder på at det ikke er planlagt og utført krig mot egen befolkning


Men de fleste velger jo å leve i dette voldelige forholdet med msm & resten av overgriperne. Vi har fri vilje - vi kan velge det vekk. Her er en fin liten snutt om mekanismene vi ser utspille seg med full styrke i 3D matrix :slight_smile:


Nå er vi midt i «late som om vi foretar en granskning» etter et år med «pandemi»…
