Public Health England (PHE) rapport: Covid-19 "vaksiner" øker risken betydelig for innleggelse på sykehus og død fra Covid viruset

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NEW – Latest PHE report shows the Covid-19 vaccines are INCREASING the risk of hospitalisation and death due to Covid-19 significantly.


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The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 2nd August 2021, 65% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since February 2021 have been people who were vaccinated against the disease.

"The report, which is the 20th update to be released, also shows that the risk of hospitalisation and death is astronomically higher if you have been fully vaccinated and catch the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

According to the PHE report, 300,010 cases of the delta Covid-19 variant have been confirmed since the 1st February 2021.

Of these roughly 50% were people who had not been vaccinated against Covid-19, with a total of 151,054 cases being recorded in the past 7 months.

Roughly 8% were people who’d had one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine less than 21 days prior to testing positive, with a total of 24,018 cases being recorded.

Roughly 15% were people who’d had one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine more than 21 days prior to testing positive, with a total of 46,089 cases being recorded.

And roughly 15% were people who were fully vaccinated prior to testing positive, with a total of 47,008 cases.

In all people who’d had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine account for 39% of all confirmed cases of the Delta Covid-19 variant since February 1st 2021 up to 2nd August 2021.

However, the Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. This was recently confirmed in a document published ( see here ) by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), in which they said research should now concentrate on producing a vaccine that prevents transmission and infection due to the current vaccines not preventing infection in most people.

You’ll have noticed above how SAGE stated they “feel that current vaccines are excellent for reducing the risk of hospital admission”. Unfortunately for them, “feeling” something isn’t enough, as the Public Health England data does not support that “feeling”.

The report shows that since the 1st February 2021 out of the 151,054 people infected with Covid-19 who had not been vaccinated, a total of 2,960 of the group ended up being admitted to hospital. This translates to 1.95% of all confirmed cases in the unvaccinated group up to the 2nd August 2021.

Since the 1st February 2021 out of the 24,018 people infected with Covid-19 who’d had one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine less than 21 days prior to their confirmed infection, a total of 234 of the group ended up being admitted to hospital. This translates to 0.97% of all infections in this group up to the 2nd August 2021.

Since the 1st February 2021 out of the 46,089 people infected with Covid-19 who’d had one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine more than 21 days prior to their confirmed infection, a total of 528 people ended up being admitted to hospital… This translates to 1.14% of all infection in this group up to the 2nd August 2021.

Finally, since the 1st February 2021 out of the 47,008 people infected with Covid-19 who were fully vaccinated, a total of 1,355 of the group ended up being admitted to hospital. This translates to 2.882% of all cases in the fully vaccinated group.

This means a much higher percentage of people are being hospitalised after being infected with Covid-19 once they are fully vaccinated, compared to if they have not had a single dose of the Covid-19 vaccine at all.

The Covid-19 vaccines are meant to reduce the risk of hospitalisation by up to 95%. The Public Health England data is showing us that the Covid-19 vaccines actually increase the risk of hospitalisation by 48%.

But perhaps SAGE’s “feelings” are justified in terms of the Covid-19 vaccine reducing the risk of death?

Well the Public Health England report shows us that since the 1st February 2021, out of the 151,054 cases and 2,960 hospitalisations of the unvaccinated group, a total of 253 people have sadly died. This translates to 0.167% of cases and 8.54% of hospitalisations within the unvaccinated group up to the 2nd August 2021.

Since the 1st February 2021 out of the 24,018 people infected with Covid-19 who’d had one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine less than 21 days prior to their confirmed infection, a total of 10 people have sadly died. This translates to 0.04% of all cases and 4.2% of all hospitalisations within this group up to the 2nd August 2021.

Since the 1st February 2021 out of the 46,089 people infected with Covid-19 who’d had one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine more than 21 days prior to their confirmed infection, a total of 69 people have sadly died. This translates to 0.15% of all cases and 13% of all hospitalisations within this group up to the 2nd August 2021.

Finally, since the 1st February 2021 out of the 47,008 people infected with Covid-19 who were fully vaccinated, a total of 402 people sadly died. This translates to 0.85% of all cases and 29.6% of all hospitalisations within the fully vaccinated group.

This means a much higher percentage of people are dying after being infected with Covid-19 and after being hospitalised with Covid-19 once they are fully vaccinated, compared to if they have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine at all.

The Public Health England data shows that rather than the Covid-19 vaccines reducing the risk of death due to Covid-19 by 95% when exposed to the Covid-19 virus, they in fact increase the risk of death by 431.25% when exposed to the Covid-19 virus.

It also shows that the risk of death once hospitalised with Covid-19 if fully vaccinated increases by 262.5%.

The Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent infection and they do not prevent transmission, this is a fact. Even SAGE have officially stated this in their recent published paper. They are supposed to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death when exposed to the Covid-19 virus, but the Public Health England data clearly shows the vaccines are having the opposite effect and are actually increasing the risk of hospitalisation and death significantly.

Yet for some reason authorities in the United Kingdom have decided to implement a vaccine passport system from the Autumn, enshrine a no jab, no job policy in law for carers – despite the jabs not preventing transmission, and have outrageously decided to start giving the Covid-19 vaccines to children, despite their risk of hospitalisation and death being so small that the number is negligible.

The evidence shows that the Covid-19 vaccines are either not working, or they are making recipients worse – possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement which the world was warned about.

We are in the middle of Summer so at the moment the number of deaths are low, yet 65% of deaths since the 1st February are people who had been vaccinated. Therefore, the evidence suggests this winter is going to be an incredibly difficult one for an extraordinary amount of people".

“We are in the middle of Summer so at the moment the number of deaths are low, yet 65% of deaths since the 1st February are people who had been vaccinated. Therefore, the evidence suggests this winter is going to be an incredibly difficult one for an extraordinary amount of people”.

Da er det ikke merkelig at Helsedirektøren uttalte for noen dager siden, at mange ville bli alvorlig syke denne høsten og vinteren. Hadde vi hatt et MSM som drev journalistikk, skulle ha blitt bedt om å forklare hva slags grunnlag han har for å kunne si det, for hvordan kan han vite det måneder i forveien?

Covid-19 mRNA-“vaksinene” svekker immunforsvaret og gjør at den “vaksinerte” har lavere motstands-kraft mot coronavirus som influensa A, influensa B, forkjølelesvirus og Covid. Dette gjør høstens og vinterens influensasesong farlig for de som har fått mRNA-injeksjonen kalt vaksine, spesielt eldre.