The Washington Post: Et Center for Disease Control lekket memo viser at CDC visste at Covid-19 mRNA "vaksinerte" kan spre viruset

Fra Mercola.
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Leaked Internal CDC Memo Shows They Knew COVID Vaccinated Can Spread the Virus.

  • July 30, 2021.

"The Washington Post has secured an internal, confidential CDC document showing the CDC not only was aware that the COVID-19 vaccine wasn’t going to work in some people — coined “breakthrough cases” — but that they also knew that “primary vaccine failure” would occur among the immunocompromised and elderly.

Not only that, they also knew that “Delta variant vaccine breakthrough cases may be as transmissible as unvaccinated cases".

The PDF documents, available on the Post’s website as a PDF slide presentation, also show that the CDC expected more vaccine-failure cases as more people were vaccinated. Even so, in boldface type, the CDC slide presentation said it was important to describe those cases as “rare” or a “small percentage” of the total cases — and to recommend universal masking to reduce as the answer to the breakthrough cases.

“At current incidence, 35,000 symptomatic infections per week among 162 million vaccinated Americans,” one slide with graphs says. Deaths in vaccinated individuals were also predicted to rise sharply, beginning in May 2021.

The documents are stamped “CONFIDENTIAL” in red capital letters".


The Washington Post July 29, 2021.

The Washington Post July 29, 2021.


Nu skal vi godt nok renses ud allesammen Northern Light…

De er ikke “kun” sindssyge eller psykopater men, helt derude hvor der intet mere er tilbage I det der engang var deres hjerner Jo :sleepy::sleepy:

Hvis nogen nogensinde maatte have vaeret I tvivl om Religionerne staar bag denne massakre, da boer disse tvivlende subjekter godt nok nu tage sig et kig indad…:confused:

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