Dr. Vernon Coleman: Endelige bevis på at Covid-19 pandemien er en bløff

Fra Principa Scientific.
Les hele artikkelen her med en video ca 12 minutter, må sees!

"Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA.

Dr Vernon Coleman, Britain’s most successful published medical doctor, explains in detail the reasons why the pandemic was an illusion based on faked data, abuse of elderly and sick patients, removal/suspension of essential care protocols, etc.

“The coronavirus is no more deadly than the flu- COVID19 is merely the annual flu season rebranded as deadly pandemic. Doctors and hospitals has been bribed with a ‘bonus’ for listing ordinary flu deaths and COVID19.”

All the mortality data for the past 12 months or so is entirely consistent with normal deaths from influenza and pneumonia, which are respiratory infections that coincidentally produces the same symptoms as an infection from the supposed ‘virus’ behind COVID19".

More at www.bitchute.com.


Gjesp. Ikke til Coleman, men til hele absurdteateret. Hvor mange bevis skal til for å knekke kognitiv dissonans-pandemien…? :wink: