Israel National News rapport: 65% av alvorlig syke COVID-pasienter er "vaksinerte"

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Israel Reports 65% Of Seriously Ill COVID Patients Are Vaccinated.

Bilde: David Cohen/Flash90.


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A simple and straightforward status report of COVID activity shockingly reveals that “Among seriously ill patients, 35% are not vaccinated, compared to 61% who are fully vaccinated and 3% who received one dose of the vaccine.” Do the math. As a group, the unvaccinated only comprise 35 percent of the seriously ill. ⁃ TN Editor.

"A total of 5,755 new cases of the coronavirus were reported across Israel Tuesday, according to data released by the Health Ministry Wednesday morning,

That marks a decline from Monday, when 6,275 new cases of the virus were diagnosed.

Of the 5,755 new cases reported Tuesday, 43.0% were unvaccinated, compared to 55.4% who were fully vaccinated, and 1.6% who had received one dose of the vaccine. Those figures are similar to the rates reported a day earlier, when 44.3% of new cases were among the unvaccinated, compared to 54.0% among the fully vaccinated and 1.7% among the partially vaccinated.

The percentage of tests coming back positive fell from 4.89% on Monday to 4.59% Tuesday.

There are now 38,942 known active cases of the virus in Israel. A total of 694 patients are hospitalized with COVID, up from 648 Tuesday morning.

Of those, 400 are in serious condition, up from 394 on Tuesday and 379 on Monday. That is the highest number since March.

There are 87 patients in critical condition, including 62 on respirators. That is the same number of critically ill patients there were listed Tuesday morning, while the number of patients on respirators is lower, with 64 intubated patients on Tuesday.

Among seriously ill patients, 35% are not vaccinated, compared to 61% who are fully vaccinated and 3% who received one dose of the vaccine. One percent of seriously ill patients did not have a listed vaccination status.

The number of unvaccinated seriously ill patients declined Wednesday to 139 from 140 a day earlier, while the number of fully vaccinated patients in serious condition inched upwards from 240 to 243. The number of partially vaccinated patients held steady at 10.

The total number of COVID-related fatalities is now 6,580, including 11 deaths reported Tuesday and four Wednesday morning!.

Read full story here.


Hjernedød kommentar. Man kan ikke “gjøre matten” uten å vite hvor mange som er vaksinerte.

Google gir denne statistikken:

Med 60% vaksinerte, så betyr det i utgangspunktet at vaksinene har ingen effekt på “alvorlige COVID-sykdomstilfeller”, statistisk sett.

Men i tilfelle det er her er snakk om stort sett eldre pasienter, og feks. 90% av de eldre i Israel er fullvaksinerte, så viser tallene da at vaksinen her reduserer sjansen for “alvorlige COVID-sykdomstilfeller”.

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