Nedstengning som løsning er ikke lenger troverdig

Fra Global Research.
Les hele artikkelen her.

"It’s taken much longer than it should have but at last it seems to be happening: the lockdown paradigm is collapsing. The signs are all around us.
The lockdowners are now dealing with the huge problem of Texas. It has been fully open with no restrictions for 6 weeks. Cases and deaths fell dramatically in the same period. Fauci has no answer. Or compare closed California with open Florida: similar death rates. We have a full range of experiences in the US that allow comparisons between open and closed and disease outcomes. There is no relationship.

Or you could look to Taiwan, which had no stringencies governing its 23.5 million people. Deaths from Covid-19 thus far: 11. Sweden, which stayed open, performed better than most of Europe.The problem is that the presence or absence of lockdowns in the face of the virus seem completely uncorrelated with any disease trajectory. AIER has assembled 33 case studies from all over the world showing this to be true.

Why should any of this matter? Because the “scientists” who recommended lockdowns had posited very precisely and pointedly that they had found the way to control the virus and minimized negative outcomes. We know for sure that the lockdowns imposed astonishing collateral damage. What we do not see is any relationship between lockdowns and disease outcomes.

This is devastating because the scientists who pushed lockdowns had made specific and falsifiable predictions. This was probably their biggest mistake. In doing so, they set up a test of their theory. Their theory failed. This is the sort of moment that causes a collapse of a scientific paradigm, as explained by Thomas Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)".

Nedstengningene er finansiert med enorme lån, noe MSM fortier, og nedstengningene fortsetter til landene er så forgjeldet at de ikke kan betale lånene tilbake, dette er en av se sentrale strategiene til den globale storkapitalen som står bak den konstruerte koronakrisen.

Ødeleggelsen av titalls millioner av små og middelstore bedrifter, og med det over hundre millioner arbeidsplasser gjør at skattegrunnlaget går så sterkt ned at tilbakebetaling av lån for mange land blir umulig, og bakmennene bak Verdensbanken og IMF kan ta landenes aktiva som betaling, og sette landene under administrasjon.

Det er Verdensbanken og IMF som mer enn noen andre har innført nyliberal markedsøkonomi i mange land i Mellom- og Sør Amerika, Afrika og store deler av Asia som Naomi Klein beskriver i sin bok Sjokkdoktrinen. Nå er det vestlige land sin tur når kostnadene landene har fra nedstengningene blir klart.