Professor Dolores Cahill til Asia Pacific Today: 1,6 millioner i Europa er allerede skadet av Covid-19 "vaksinene", og trolig vil millioner dø

Fra Principa Scentific.
Les hele artikkelen her med et videointervju med Professor Dolores Cahill, det blir spesielt interessant eller heller skremmende fra ca 18 minutter.

Top Professor: Already 1.6 Million Injuries From Vaccines In Europe.

Published on July 8, 2021.



Top professor in the field of immunology, Dr Dolores Cahill gives a heartfelt interview to Mike Ryan of Asia Pacific Today stating that millions will likely die from the COVID ‘vaccines, 1.6 million in Europe are already ‘vaccine injured’.

Australia, like the UK, US and Canada, is in the grip of manufactured hysteria over Covid-19. Our Federal and State governments are hyping up the infectiousness and dangers of new strains of the virus and the media is having a field day on cases and virus hotspots.

Lockdowns, border restrictions, mask wearing, social distancing and vaccinations are in. The cost of these measures, availability of alternative treatments are studiously ignored. Funny that!

The public health system is broken – Governments are the spreaders of misinformation and the media are the propaganda agents. The media wont ask about Covid-19 vaccines and their safety.

Dr Dolores Cahill, a renowned expert in immunology. Dr. Cahill has been an Expert in the EU for some 15 years in Future & Emerging technologies. She is President of the World Freedom Alliance, a worldwide platform of organisations offering access to justice, true dialogue for health science and politics, holding worldwide officials to account under the law.

Dr Dolores Cahill, a renowned expert in immunology. Dr. Cahill has been an Expert in the EU for some 15 years in Future & Emerging technologies. She is President of the World Freedom Alliance, a worldwide platform of organisations offering access to justice, true dialogue for health science and politics, holding worldwide officials to account under the law".


Honnør til Asia Pacific Today med millioner av seere og lyttere, for å la professor Dolores Cahill snakke usensurert og uavbrutt om hvor farlige Covid-19 “vaksinene” er. Hun sier at de vil ta livet av de fleste som har fått injeksjonen innen en 2-3 år, spesielt hvis de er over 60 år, og at mRNA-injeksjonene gjør kvinner sterile, og en forbrytelse å gi injeksjonene til barn og unge. En kraftig advarsel fra professor Cahill, som må sees, ta deg tid til å se videoen, spesielt fra ca 18 minutter.