Covid-19 test-industrien omsetter snart for 100 milliarder dollar i året

Fra Global Research.
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"The COVID-19 Testing Industrial Complex in the United States is completely out of control, and the American taxpayer has been drafted into churning out hundreds of millions of dollars per day to keep it afloat. This continually growing behemoth, which was spawned in 2020 because of the urgent insistence of select, powerful members of the U.S. “public health expert” class, has no intention of exiting the stage quietly. Individuals and healthcare-related corporations are getting filthy rich off of this broken, corrupt industry, which largely produces junk tests, and has contributed to an out of control, ongoing “casedemic” in the United States.

Despite the fact that this industry has failed to do anything positive for “public health” related to the coronavirus epidemic, some in the industry are even devising plans to put a COVID testing kit in every home in America. The COVID-19 Testing Industrial Complex has produced a shockingly high revenue stream over the course of a year".

The cost of COVID-19 tests range anywhere from $20-$850. The median cost of a COVID-19 test is around $129 per test. And that’s just the cost of the test itself. This price range does not include the additional costs — including, at a bare minimum for most, the costs of specimen collection and a doctor’s visit — to the insurance provider, federal, state and local governments (which has the taxpayer foot the bill for people who can’t afford a test), and/or the patient.

The United States COVID-19 Testing Industrial Complex now churns out around two million COVID-19 tests per day. That puts the current median cost for COVID testing in America (not including the additional costs) at approximately $254 million dollars per day, $7.6 billion per month, and $91.4 billion per year. To put that in context, That’s more annual cash than the revenue generated by U.S. corporate behemoths such as Boeing, Intel, FedEx, Facebook, and Target".

Dette gjelder USA, hvis en regner med resten av verden, som kjøper Covid-19 tester fra samme produsentene og leverandørene, blir profitten astronomisk for den farmasøytiske industrien. Dette betales over statsbudsjettene for de fleste land, og u-land må låne for å betale for testingen.

De låner fra Verdensbanken og IMF som styres fra bankkartellene, og som eier kapitalforvaltnings-selskapene som er finansielle eiere av den farmasøytiske industrien. Dette må gjøre den globale storkapitalens konstruerte koronakrise til det største ranet i verdenshistorien.

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Hopefully his act of civil disobedience will inspire others to remember man’s true nature and natural rights.