Dr. Robert Malone, oppfinner av Covid-19 "vaksinen": Legemiddeltilsynet (FDA) var klar over faren med spike-proteinet før massevaksineringen startet

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"Directly contradicting Dr. Fauci’s, the FDA’s, and the media and medical establishment’s relentless campaign to inject as many Americans as possible with what are, at least until the end of 2022, officially experimental drugs, the inventor of the mRNA core technology has sounded the alarm on new data showing the vaccines are “dangerous,” with possible long-term effects which can only be guessed at.

Dr. Robert Malone, in essence, all but indicated that, given the new data, the mRNA injections are a ticking time bomb.

In a key exchange in the interview, Dr. Malone addressed a recent Japanese study which shows that the mRNA shot does not work in the manner intended. All new drugs have typically undergone three to six years of animal trials. The scientists agree that the public has been placed in “danger” by the injections.

The scientists addressed grave concerns that the “spike protein,” circulates throughout the body and accumulates in organs, bones, and especially, ovaries.

Introducing the topic, Dr. Bret Weinstein said ( RUSH TRANSCRIPT OF FULL INTERVIEW VIDEO BELOW, DR. MALONE IS “SPEAKER 3”):

“So I must say that this is a difficult topic for us to address. We all, I believe, are agreed that something very serious is afoot and the public is largely unaware that they have been placed into a kind of danger. And we also know that there’s a great deal of stigma directed at those who would explore these dangers.”

“They did not believe the spike was biologically active. That was the big mystery.”

“Now know the spike protein is very dangerous there. It is violent. We also know so if it was very dangerous, but it did what the
brochure on these vaccines says it should do, which is large in the membrane of the cells that are doing the transcribing, it would be
a lot less destructive, right?”

Dr. Malone:

“I think that’s fair. And you’re right. It’s not just the literature that the the documentation about the vaccine. It’s the prior literature that was put out by the people that developed it that developed these clones. So they were they were aware that there was a risk of Spike being biologically active in having adverse events if it did not stay stuck to the cells that were transected, that got the RNA and made it OK. And and they used a genetic engineering method of putting a trans membrane domain on it to ensure that it stayed anchored and stayed put. And there they did limited, non-clinical studies to say looks like it stays stuck. We engineered it to stay stuck. They did. And they published it. Here’s the thing…Is that that’s generally not good enough in a non-clinical data package…”

“…before we get a product released to use in humans, in the normal situation where we’re not in a rush, we have some really rigorous tests that have to be done in animals. And revealing that spike gets cleaved off of express cells and becomes free is something that absolutely should have been known and understood well before this ever got put in humans"".


Og Altsaa - fordi de psykopater der bestemte vi nu ALLE skal myrdes, VIDSTE dette, blev dyreforsoeg bekvemt “opgivet” og, emergency “injections” I hast indfoert eller, det blev solgt til jordens befolkning som 'hast" men…kan vi ikke “gaette” paa, dette “hastvaerk” er en del af det manuskript de nu all foelger og, har fulgt I mange aar!?

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