Forskning viser at sprøytemidler forårsaker svulster på barns sentral-nervesystem

Fra Principa Scientific.
Les hele artikkelen her.

"A new study adds to the evidence that pesticides harm children’s health.

The study, published in Environmental Research last week, found that children were more likely to develop central nervous system (CNS) tumors if their mothers had lived within 2.5 miles of land where pesticides were being sprayed when they were born.

This study is the first, to our knowledge, to estimate effects for a large number of specific pesticides in relation to CNS tumor subtypes” Julia Heck, a study coauthor and the associate dean for research at the University of North Texas College of Health and Public Service said, as NBC Los Angeles reported.

The research looked at the California Cancer Registry to identify cases of certain cancers in children under six years old, the study explained. They focused on mothers who lived in rural areas and gave birth between 1998 and 2011 to identify 667 cases of childhood central nervous system tumors and 123,158 controls.

They then compared these cases to data from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (CDPR) Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) system to identify whether chemicals classed as possible carcinogens by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had been sprayed within 2.5 miles of the mothers’ homes at birth.

One important implication of the study is that the mothers did not have to be directly working in agriculture in order for their children to face dangerous exposure".

Den globale storkapitalen kjøper opp alt de får tak i av dyrket mark og drikkevannskilder. De vil legge ned småbruk og middelstore gårdsbruk, og slå de sammen til store “factory farms”, enorme industribruk med mye bruk at kjemikalier og som drives som businessmodeller, og eies av storkapital og ikke av bønder.

I EU og her i Norge går mesteparten av subsidiene til store gårder, og ikke til små bruk som vil drive økologisk, med et riktig forhold mellom dyrket mark og villmark. Industribrukene fører til at maten inneholder mer sprøytemidler, og også GMO planter. Vi må ut av EØS for å sikre at norsk dyrket mark blir norskeid og ikke kjøpt opp av storkapital, og sikre at mest mulig av maten er økologisk og at minst mulig sprøytemidler blir brukt.